Please note — we have deprecated this plugin in favor of a new Mapbox-related plugin. Please migrate to as this plugin is no longer supported.
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  2. Docs
  3. Installation
  4. Get Advanced Plugin

Get Advanced Plugin

To download the premium version of WP Mapbox GL JS Advanced, you will need to go to our homepage and purchase the plugin. There are two options:

  • Single plugin license, good for one site for one year
  • Multi plugin license, good for any number of sites for one year

You will need to renew your license key each year with GL JS Advanced. You will get a reminder in your email about this one per month.

To learn how to activate your license keys in the plugin, see Authentication.

Upgrading from WP Mapbox GL JS

Simply add your license key to the installation and you should be up and running.

If you need any help or run into problems, get in touch with us.

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